Deer in the copse
Last year I was walking along the top edge of uncut hay in the Stone Field and past the Pighut Copse. I glanced up and saw a hind...

Clouds of Stitchwort
Throughout May and June clouds of Greater Stitchwort can be found nodding in the breeze. In this area they are usually found on banks and...

Visitors to the Polytunnel
As the weather was slightly cooler than recent days I decided to have a good tidy up and weed the Polytunnel. Some raspberry canes and...

The Rhododendron curse
Thanks to Dave and Nicky Page, visiting friends that helped me clear some of the Rhododendron infesting the wooded slopes by the river....

Battle of the slugs
A cold spring meant a slow start to the year with propagation of new herbs being a bit tricky. However, trays are now brimming with new...

Featuring Clary Sage
Being Biennial the seeds that I sowed last year have just come into flower. Exotic and beautiful they are well worth the effort. Having...

Summer fruits
The warmer weather has ripened Strawberries in the garden. Any berries that don't quite make the grade, I make into 'one pot' jam. An...

Meet Ripley
Bottle lambs come and go, very often will stay tame throughout their life, coming up to say hello. Sometimes they become real characters....

Easter: Storms and a deluge of lambs
The Easter weekend was a busy time. After Good Friday, wind and pouring rain set in, making working conditions very difficult. The ewes...

First bumblebee spotted
In the warm sunshine of the afternoon I spotted my first bumblebee of 2016, and later in the evening the unmistakeable hum of a bee at...