Invite bees and insects back into your garden with our range of organic herbs, free from herbicides or pesticides. Perfect for adding colour and delicious scents into your garden or kitchen, they also provide flavour to your cooking and hold medicinal properties. Grown from organic seeds or cuttings from organic plants, the plants are raised to survive all conditions on our Dartmoor Hill farm. We specialise in Herbs for insects, specifically Herbaceous Perennials and Biennials.

Clary Sage
​Biennial, easy to grow from seed.
Large soft blue grey leaves with crimson stalks and long lasting lilac flowers.
CULTIVATION - Full sun, light dry soils.
USES - The seeds infused in water can be used as an eye wash. The leaf used to make beer famously intoxicating. Warming, soothing , a tonic. See blog post for more information
Herbaceous Perennial, grows from seed.
Feathery mid green leaves with small yellow clusters of flowers in midsummer.
CULTIVATION - Full sun to ripen seed, well drained loam
USES - Every part of the plant is edible, use in sauces and salads, good with fish. Infuse as a tea to aid indigestion and constipation. Chew seed to sweeten breath. Add to facial steams and baths for deep cleansing.
GARDEN -Tall feathery leaves attractive in borders.
Hardy Perennial. Self seeds, stem cuttings or divide roots.
Soft feathery leaves, white daisy like flowers in summer.
CULTIVATION - Prefers a sunny position in dry well drained soils.
USES - Mainly used to treat migraines. Also arthritis and more restful sleep. Used as a mild disinfectant and to deter moths.
GARDEN - Cheerful summer plant which pops up with a profusion of white flowers.
Lady's Mantle
Hardy Herbaceous Perennial. Self seeds readily.
Beautiful round leaves that collect the dew and raindrops. Clusters of yellow flowers.
CULTIVATION - Full sun or partial shade. Prefers rich loamy soil.
USES - Called 'a woman's best friend' it helps during pregancy, regulates periods and helps with menopausal discomfort. Infuse as a tea. Young leaves can be used in herb salads. Boil leaves to produce a green wool dye. Good for flower arrangments.
GARDEN - A low plant, good at front of borders, good to contrast with taller spikey plants.
Hardy evergreen shrub. Grow from seed or take stem cuttings in spring or autumn.
Mid green to silver narrow leaves with tall flower spikes, fragrant, ranging from white to purple.
CULTIVATION - Full sun and open. Well drained sandy soil with lime.
USES - Infuse the flower as a tea to soothe headaches and calm nerves. Use essential oil as an antiseptic and painkiller. Add to bath to relax. Helps with insomnia and depression. Dried flowers scent drawers and protect from moths. Good for flower arrangeing and pot pouris. Flowers also used to flavour jams.
GARDEN - Use as a hedging plant, grow near roses to deter aphids. Looks good at the front of borders.
Lemon Balm
Hardy herbaceous perennial. Grow from seed, divide plant in spring or autumn.
Lemon scented oval leaves with small pale yellow flowers in summer.
CULTIVATION - Morning sun and midday shade. Rich well drained soil.
USES - Infuse as a tea for bronchial catarrh, feverish colds, headaches and to calm. Add fresh finely chopped leaves to salads and fish sauces. Can also be used in fruit salads and fruit drinks.
GARDEN - Attracts pollinating bees, use in orchards. Rub on beehives to attract new swarms. Plant by paths for the scent as you brush past.
Hardy herbaceous perennial. Best grown from root or stem cuttings in spring or autumn.
Tall stems of scented leaves, small purple flowers in summer. Very vigourous.
CULTIVATION - Sun or partial shade. Likes moist well drained soil.
USES -Peppermints infuse as a tea to help digestion and colds. Sip cold tea for flatulence. Spearmint and applemint, use leaves to flavour potatoes, peas, fruit salads, drinks.
GARDEN - Grow near roses to deter aphids. Due to it's vigour either grow in containers or in areas that it can spread freely. Grow up through wild hedges. Attracts bees, grow near orchards.
Hardy herbaceous perennial. Grow from seed. Divide clumps or take cuttings in spring or autumn.
Stems of light aromatic leaves, with flowers ranging from white to pinks in summer.
CULTIVATION - Likes full sun with shade in the midday. Well drained nutrient rich soil.
USES - Infuse as a tea for colds, headaches, stomach upsets and nervous disorders. Helps promote sleep. Use leaves for a relaxing bath. Used a lot in cooking, young leaves in salads, blends well in tomatoe based sauces, with cheese, eggs and fish dishes.
GARDEN - Attracts bees and butterflies to the garden, combine with Buddleia. Plant along pathways for the scent. Sprawling untidy habit, so give it alot of space.
Hardy evergreen perennial. Best grown from cuttings or layering.
Small shrub like with spikey green-grey leaves, flowers range from white, pink mainly blue.
CULTIVATION - Likes a sunny sheltered site. Needs good drainage. More fragrant on limey soil. Add eggshells or woodash for additional lime.
USES - Helps circulation and eases pain. Helps with digestion of fats. Good for aching joints. Add to bath water, or good rinse for dark hair. In the kitchen, cook with varius meat. Fresh Rosemary is good in salads.
GARDEN - Makes good aromatic hedges.
Hardy evergreen shrub. Grow from seed, or take cuttings.
Long velvety leaves, grey green in colour. Blue flowers in summer.
CULTIVATION - Full sun in well drained soil. Prefers alkaline soils.
USES - Aids digestion, antiseptic, antifungal and contains oestrogen. Tea infusions act as a nerve and blood tonic. Use in facial steams for cleansing and a rinse to darken and condition grey hair. Use young leaves in salads. Combine with onion for poultry stuffing,and to flavour rich fatty meats.
GARDEN - A bee loving plant. Strongly scented, so again good to plant near paths or patio areas. The grey green leaves work well with blue and white flowering plants in summer.
Evergreen shrub. Grow from seed. Take stem cuttings with a heel in spring or autumn.
Low shrubs, aromatic leaves with purple flowers in summer.
CULTIVATION - Likes full sun and light well drained soils.
USES - Infuse as a tea for a digestive tonic and for hangovers. Combine with honey for coughs and colds and sore throats. For headaches massage Thyme oil. Helps with Insomnia, poor circulation and muscular pains. Mix with Parsley and Bay for a Bouquet garni. Add to stocks, stuffings, soups and sauces. Cook with wine. Poultry, fish, game and beef.
GARDEN - Attracts bees into the garden. Makes a good flavour for honey. Can be planted in walls, paths and other dry areas. Pungent. Plant around patios and near paths.
Plants for bees
There are many other plants and shrubs that attract bees and insects into the garden. The obvious choices are Buddlias, Iceplant (Sedum), and less showy Cotoneaster. Other plants to consider are early flowering plants like Primrose, Hellebores and Lungwort. All will feed bees and Bumble bees in the early spring, when they are emerging from hibernation. As well, consider late flowering plants such as Ivy which will help at the end of the year. Why attract bees and insects into your garden? Because they pollinate fruit and are essential to food production.
List of available herbs
Borage - blue/white flowers. 3' high. Biennial. Hardy. Bees. Self seeds. Culinary.
Clary Sage - bi-coloured flowers. 3'high. Biennial. Hardy. Bees. Culinary. Medical.
Comfrey - flowers blue/pink 3' high, pale yellow 18" high, tri (white, blue, pink) 18" high. Perennial. Hardy. Bees. Culinary. Medical.
Chervil - Annual. Yellow flowers. 2' high. Culinary
Chives - garlic and normal. Mauve/blue flowers. 18"high. Perennial. Hardy. Bees. Culinary.
Coriander - filtro. White umbels. 2" high. Annual. Culinary.
Dill - tetra. Yellow umbels.2" high. Annual. Culinary.
Fennel - green and bronze. Yellow umbels. Perennial. Hardy. Culinary.
Feverfew - white daisy flowers.2" high. Perennial. Hardy. Culinary. Medical
Hyssop - blue or white flowers. 3' high. Perennial. Hardy. Bees. Culinary.
Lavender - old English. Mauve flower spikes. 2" high. Perennial. Hardy. Bees. Medical/cosmetic.
Lady's Mantle - yellow sprays of flowers. 1' high. Perennial. Hardy. Medical.
Lemon Balm - small pale flowers. Plus variegated form. 3' high. Perennial. Hardy. Culinary. Medical.
Lovage - white flowers. Up to 6'. Perennial. Hardy. Culinary.
Mint - mauve/pink flowers. Green/pepper/spear/ginger/lemon/pineapple/chocolate/black peppermint. 3' high. Perennial. Hardy. Bees. Culinary
Oregano - white/pink/mauve flowers. Various green and gold forms and variegated. Perrenial. Hardy. Bees. Culinary.
Rosemary - blue flowering. 3' high. Perennial. Hardy. Bees. Culinary. Cosmetic.
Sage - blue flowering. 3' high. Perennial. Hardy. Bees. Culinary. Cosmetic.
Sweet Cicely - white umbels. Up to 5' high. Perennial. Hardy. Culinary.
Tansy - yellow daisy flowers. 3' high. Perennial. Hardy. Medical.
Thyme - mauve flowers. Up to 1' high. Perennial. Hardy. Bees. Culinary.
Yarrow - white/pink umbels. 18" high. Perennial. Hardy. Cosmetic/Medical. Bees.
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