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First bumblebee spotted

In the warm sunshine of the afternoon I spotted my first bumblebee of 2016, and later in the evening the unmistakeable hum of a bee at work. At 1200' the farm develops late in the spring and the bees need all the help they can get. They need food as they come out of hibernation, so it is important to plant early flowering plants. My favourites are Primroses and Lungwort, both woodland and hedgerow plants. I've planted Primroses on the banks around the farm, but they need to be protected from the sheep and like like sheltered warm areas. Sun or semi shade.

Lungwort (Pulmonaria officinalis) is related to Comfrey and is much visited by bees (pictured above). It generally grows in pollution free areas, likes damp soils in sun or semi shade. A good indicator of the health of your garden. It is used in remedies for asthma and bronchial conditions.

Also popping up in the sunshine are dandelions and celandine flowers, so don't be too quick to dismiss these so called weeds.

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